
Showing posts from November, 2017

Super 8 City

Today myself and Jacob finished off editing the footage together. We warped some of the dialogue using Logic and Granular Synthesis in order to give the film a feeling of a broken memory, along with warping a piece of dialogue to the point that it gave an eerie sound and we were able to feed that through the whole film as a music soundtrack. Coupled with the Super 8 footage, it gives the film a hazy and also broken look to it. Due to the under exposed footage, we felt this was the best course of action for the film.

Super 8

Received the Super 8 footage back today. Unfortunately the footage was far too dark, to the point where we could not make out who was where or what was what. Due to this, the idea of a narrative structure has had to be disposed of. On the advice of Dan, we have decided to attempt to do a kind of abstract super 8 piece, using the few images that did show up to envelop a sense of unease in the viewer. We will probably attempt at worldising the sound or using granular synthesis in order to really give the film a grander sense of uneasiness. fingers crossed it comes out okay.

Context of Practice: Poster Project

Decided on a theme - that of the Doppelgänger. Decided to use images of actors/directors that have been involved with productions that use the theme of a doppelgänger, Stanley Kubrick with the twins in "The Shining", Jesse Eisenberg in the Richard Ayoade film "The Double", Jake Gyllenhaal in "Enemy" and Nicolas Cage in "Adaptation". Decided to put all the images in black and white in order to keep a consistent theme across the images. I found an image of each person within that film, then reversed it so each person is looking at themselves. Still got to find a relevant quote for the Doppelgänger, which i will be researching later tonight. Went through a few ideas, such as the rise of the machines and the use of Id, Ego and SuperEgo before settling on the Doppelganger. I like the idea of how unsettling it can be finding someone who is nearly an exact replica of yourself, perhaps with a few minor changes, and how easily it could be for that

Context of Practice: Mise-En-Scene - Raiders of the Lost Ark

The opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark 0:00-3:34 Use of lighting in this scene, in the open shots of the jungle it's bright, giving a sense of an exotic and hot location, South America. The characters are all well lit, except for that of Indiana Jones himself. Until the last part, he is shrouded in shadow, part of him or all of him, never seeing his face, adding a touch of mystique around the titular hero. The colour used in this scene, along with the lighting also adds to the sense of location. Colour almost looks slightly dimmed down, making the jungle look a bit grimy, humid and hot, with the characters dressed almost exclusively in beige and brown colours, blending in with the jungle scenery. The camera work in this scene is once again used to highlight the characters. It gives us a sense of who they all are, with their costumes being used to that sense as well. An extensive use of tracking shots gives the viewer an almost voyeuristic look of the group, passing throug